Patrick Eisenlohr delivered a lecture on ‘A Technical Operationalization of Karbala: Azadari Videos and Digital Religion’. It was chaired by Ravi Sundaram.
ZOOM ID: 89129911654 PASSCODE: csdsdelhi
Videos of Shia performances of mourning and remembrance (azadari) from Mumbai testify to the contemporary entanglement between Karbala as an event that never completely passed and regularly returns with audiovisual media that technically perform such returns of a latently present event. Such videos do not just circulate for the creation of community and the shaping of pious selves, but in their Mumbai context also articulate Shia Muslims’ right to the city. The lecture will focus on how these media practices intervene into the felt aspects of religion, pointing to possible consequences of the digital for religious aisthesis and sensation.
Patrick Eisenlohr is Professor of Anthropology, Chair of Society and Culture in Modern India at the University of Göttingen. He is the author of Little India: Diaspora, Time and Ethnolinguistic Belonging in Hindu Mauritius (2006) and Sounding Islam: Voice, Media, and Sonic Atmospheres in an Indian Ocean World (2018).
Ravi Sundaram is Professor at Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.
Thursday, 15 February 2024, 4 pm, Seminar Room and Zoom https://bit.ly/3Sq4QH3