Awards, Honours and Grants

The Centre was constituted as a society, funded largely by the Indian Council of Social Science Research. It received a major endowment from the Ford Foundation in 2000, and the Canadian agency IDRC (International Development Research Centre) identified CSDS as one of 15 select institutions world-wide that received support through the Think Tank Initiative, in two successive rounds of funding, 2009-2019.

Several faculty members have been recognised nationally and internationally for their academic work and contribution to public life. These include the Malcolm Adiseshiah Award received by Yogendra Yadav in 2009 and by Rajeev Bhargava in 2011. The Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize in 2007 and Hans Killian Award in 2019 was received by Ashis Nandy. The Pratibha Puraskar and Vidula Samman were received by Madhu Kishwar in 1997 and 1998, respectively. The Global South Solidarity Award by the International Political Science Association was received by Yogendra Yadav in 2009. The UGC National Pranavananda Saraswati Award for outstanding contribution to Political Science was received by Rajeev Bhargava in 2009.

•    Malcolm Adiseshiah Award
•    Right Livelihood Award
•    Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize
•    Hans Killian Award
•    Pratibha Puraskar
•    Vidula Samman
•    Global South Solidarity Award
•    UGC National Pravananda Saraswati Award
•    Ford Foundation Endowment
•    ICSSR
•    IDRC Think Tank Initiative

Some faculty members have served on various national and international boards. Rajni Kothari was a member of the Planning Commission. D.L. Sheth was a member of the Backward Classes Commission. Yogendra Yadav was appointed member of the National Advisory Council for the implementation of the Right to Education Act in 2010. Peter R. deSouza served as the Director of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. Two Board Members in the past have been members of the Rajya Sabha, Mrinal Miri and Anu Aga.