Norman Davies delivered a lecture on European History: Aspects Non-Europeans Don't Always Know on 17 April 2012 at CSDS Seminar Hall. This lecture explored the areas of European history largely unknown beyond Europe itself....
The Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi, is inviting applications for the posts of Associate Professor. Total number of positions is 3 (three). The last date for submitting the applications is 16 December 2024.
Taberez Ahmed Neyazi will deliver a lecture on ‘Dynamics of Digital Political Campaigning in India: A Study of National and Sub-National Election Strategies’ on 19 November 2024 at Seminar Room and Zoom. Chair: Sanjay Kumar.
CSDS offers in the form of an 'occasional paper series' ongoing research work by its faculty. By calling it DigiPAPERS, we gesture towards a hybridity of form and content suitable to our times. Here we play more freely with the text and design, as is possible
Speaking Otherwise is an academic podcast on the Contemporary, hosted by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi. In this podcast, we speak to well known scholars from the humanities and the social
Vijaylaxmi Desaram delivered a lecture on 'Tajurbe Radio Tarangon Ke' (A Life on Radio Waves) on 5 November 2024 at Seminar Room and Zoom. It was chaired by Sudhir Kapur. It was organized by the Indian Languages Programme of CSDS.
BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies, screen media research journal for the South Asian region; Pratiman Samay, Samaj, Sanskriti, journal of social sciences and humanities in Hindi and Studies in Indian Politics, a blind..