Since 2015 CSDS has been part of a German-led consortium that has involved, on the German side, the Max Weber Stiftüng, and the Universities of Würzburg, Erfürt, and Göttingen, and, on the Indian side, the Centre for the Study of Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC), the Institute of Economic Growth (IEG) and CSDS. This has led to the setting up of an International Centre for Advanced Studies: Metamorphoses of the Political (ICAS:MP) focussing on the way politics has shifted its form and location over a long period of transformation that started in the late 19th century. Centre faculty members are active in three of the six ICAS modules, including History as a Political Category, Normative Conflicts and Transformations, and Critiques and Renewals of Democracy. The collaboration envisages both senior and junior fellowships and academic activities that are both module specific and based on inter-modular collaboration oriented to producing an innovative body of research that is transnational and comparative in approach.
UPCOMING EVENTS (Click for Details)
ICAS:MP Fellows 2020/2021 (Click for Details)