Nishtha Bharti delivered a lecture on ‘Of Allegorical Explorations: Artificial Intelligence in India’s Healthcare’. It was chaired by Awadhendra Sharan.
ZOOM ID: 87925129060 PASSCODE: csdsdelhi
This lecture will trace the journey of AI through ideation, development and deployment in the realm of Indian healthcare at various discursive, epistemic and material sites. In doing so, it will highlight the tensions between the realities of a healthcare system that constitutes India’s present and the aspirations for a future healthcare system that is envisioned through AI. What bridges the reality and the aspiration is the stuff of allegory. It tells the tale of faith in this technology, of palpable possibilities, of conscious choices, but also of manifest absences, of eluded decisions and of bypassed alternatives.
Nishtha Bharti is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, where she researches various aspects of ethical preparedness in genomic medicine. In her broader research pursuits, her enquiries span the shifting socio-political logics, contested values and competing epistemic frames in healthcare reforms through emerging technologies.
Awadhendra Sharan is Director, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.
Friday, 30 August 2024, 11 am, Seminar Room and Zoom https://bit.ly/3WMxB2S