Sharad Chari delivered a lecture on ‘Apartheid Remains’ on 4 February 2025. It was chaired by Prathama Banerjee.
ZOOM ID: 89190251006 PASSCODE: csdsdelhi
Apartheid Remains (Click for free downloadable copy) looks through 'Indian' and 'Coloured' neighborhoods in an industrial-residential landscape in Durban, South Africa, to rethink the remains of South Africa's twentieth century. Through long-term historical and ethnographic research, Chari reads the city as a racial palimpsest that conserves multiple pasts, including attempts by the racial state to remake territory and personhood, also through biopolitical means, while instead deepening spatial struggle, before, during and after apartheid. When denizens responded through Black communitarianism, armed struggle, urban movement, or environmental justice struggle, submerged traditions of the Indian Ocean and Black Atlantic offered powerful resources, not least through Black documentary photography.
Sharad Chari is Associate Professor of Geography and Critical Theory at the University of California at Berkeley. He is author of Fraternal Capital, Gramsci at Sea and Apartheid Remains, and the forthcoming Beverley Ditsie's Fearless Speech.
Prathama Banerjee is Professor at Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.
Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 4 pm, Seminar Room and Zoom https://bit.ly/4g0yxbz