Tanja Ahlin delivered a lecture on ‘Digital Technologies for Remote Elder Care in Keralite Families’. It was chaired by Awadhendra Sharan.
ZOOM ID: 84508540137 PASSCODE: csdsdelhi
How do digital technologies shape how people care for each other and, through that, who they are? This is a particularly pertinent question today, as technological innovation is on the rise while increasing migration is introducing vast distances among family members. The situation has been additionally complicated by the Covid-19 pandemic and the requirements of physical distancing, especially for the most vulnerable-older adults. Based on ethnographic fieldwork with families of migrating nurses from Kerala, India, the speaker explores how digital technologies shape elder care when adult children and their aging parents live far apart. Through the notion of transnational care collectives, she uncovers the subtle workings of digital technologies on care across countries and continents when being physically together is not feasible.
Tanja Ahlin is a post-doctoral researcher on “Human Factor in New Technologies” at the Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam. She is the author of Calling Family: Digital Technologies and the Making of Transnational Care Collectives.
Awadhendra Sharan is Director, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi.
Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 4 pm, Zoom https://bit.ly/3Vkzdlx